This week has been a great deal of fun when trying to conceive these various poems. I still seem to be struggling with the blog site but I believe that is due to the combined drawbacks of malfunctioning hardware and an intellect not overly compatible with electronics. Hopefully this will work!
I was thrilled by the aspect of writing various poems on the same principals and ideas. The way that my mind works is very similar to the way the exercise, and yet I find that my mind will often get sucked into one concept or one way of doing something. By having us start over and yet keep the themes it allowed divergent thinking to grow, which I personally really appreciated.
I also found that the a good deal of the literature assigned in this course came in handy. I couldn't even list the number of times I referred to Dick's Fluoresence, while trying to compile my personal portfolio. I am certainly an individual who enjoys knowing the parameters of work I'm doing, and while art should never be classified, it helps a beginner and an enthusiast like me.
ok, say more specifically about the readings... 5/10